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Hormone molecules and receptors I

exhibition view | project by class of Prof. Peter Kogler at AkademieGalerie
screenvideo, 7:22 Min., 24h | 2020


hormone molecules and receptors II | digital installation | 2020


Wenngleich der technologische Fortschritt neue Möglichkeiten der medizinischen Visualisierung eröffnet, so bewirkt er dennoch nicht die universelle Darstellbarkeit aller Phänomene. Hormone molecules and receptors ist ein Versuch, die immateriellen und damit abstrakten Informationen von Hormonmolekülen und -rezeptoren entsprechend einer dritten Säule, welche neben Genen und Umwelteinflüssen das menschliche Denken und Fühlen steuert, zu visualisieren. Hierbei wird zudem deutlich, inwiefern der Transfer von analogen und digitalen Informationen mit Datenverlust, Modifikationen und neuartigen Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten einhergeht.

Die digitale Installation ist Teil der interaktiven virtuellen Ausstellung der Arbeitsgruppe forwearezero.

Ausstellung im digitalen Raum der FOE Galerie

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Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-31 um 19.47.06.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-31 um 19.48.23.png

hormone molecules and receptors II (series) - Estrogen molecule and receptor 1hcq  | graphite on paper,, 70 x 100 cm | 2020

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Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-12 um 16.45.49.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-12 um 16.45.39.png

ravoglyphs II. //  graphite on pape, tip notes | 1,38 x 1,80 cm | 2017-2019


ravoglyphs I. //  graphite on poster paper | 2.4 x 3.36 m | 2019


Spuren der langen Nächte, von Gästen in Wände geritzt. Existenzbeweise, Namen und Symbole, indirekte und analoge Kommunikation gesammelt durch Frottagen.
Fragmente – die Entstehung einer neuen eigenen Narration aus der Modifikation von Informationen als Resultat der Aneignung des Ortes entsprechend einer Übertragung in mehrere Ebenen. 

Ravoglyphs besteht aus mehreren hundert Papierarbeiten, die über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren in dem Musikclub Rote Sonne entstanden sind und durch ein Archiv aus Notizzetteln zur Dokumentierung des Trinkgeldes erweitert werden.


ravoglyphs I. //  graphite on poster paper | 2.4 x 3.36 m | 2019


Instafit //  video collage made out of found footage and self-made stop motion animations | 1:00 min | 2018

The video 'INSTAFIT' is about the curent fitness hype in the social media and documents the most popular fitness hashtags on Instagram.

Focusing mostly about hashtags concerning women it questions topics like:​ What does it mean to be a strong, independent woman? Do women who do weightlifting stand for emanzipation now? What impact has posting constantly the own body on the social media persona. Are women who run Instagram accounts abused and seen only as an advertising medium and are they maybe even forced to sexualize their own body in order to have more success in perpetuity?

In what sense has the strongly staged body cult ab impact on the image consumers who consist mainly out of very young members of our society?

The video does not only consist of the found footage from Instagram hashtags with millions of posts but there are also little fitness animation placed inbetween the posts.

The self-made GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) show the artist herself as an individual opposing to the mass of the other Instagrammers and refer to the absurdity of the social media madness.

However this criticism will be scrolled away  just like all the other posts within a second.


belly-butt-thighs-workout drawing  I. // glass pencil on plexiglas and transparent paper | 50x85cm | 2018


belly-butt-thighs_1.1.gif // stop motion GIF animation of a workout routine | 1:56 min | 2018

copyright (c) 2020 - zarah abraham -



Zarah Abraham is working as an artist, graphic designer and illustrator. Born in 1992, she attended a school founded by the Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti in the UK. Later she graduated school with the 'Abitur' at the Rainer-Maria-Rilke-Gymnasium Icking in Bavaria, Germany. Between 2011-2015 and after she travelled through Europe and Peru she lived and worked in Quito, Ecuador. At the moment Zarah Abraham is doing a double degree studies in Fine Arts and Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts and Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.



Academy of Fine Arts in Munich

Fine Arts

since 2014​
degree: Diploma (2022)

since 2019
Painting and Graphics in the class of Prof. Gregor Hildebrandt

2014 - 2019
Graphics in the class of Prof. Peter Kogler

Art Education

Kunstpädagogik - Gymnasiallehramt Doppelfach Kunst
since 2018

degree: First State Examination (2021)

since 2020

Visual and Spatial Politics in the class of Prof. Sandra Schäfer

2018 - 2020

Interdisciplinary Projects in the class of Prof. Res Ingold

Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
Study of Educational Science

Erziehungswissenschaftliches Studium im Gymnasiallehramt

Psychology, General Pedagogy, School Pedagogy

since 2018
degree: State Examination - Psychology (2020

Philosophy and Art, Music, Theatre

2012-2014 | no degree

C O L L E C T I V E   F O R W E A R E Z E R O

In 2020 she formed together with 10 other artists the collective forwearezero. They question space and embodiment and are inspired by the Xenofeminist Manifesto and Post Cyborg Feminism. They produced 22 editions and organised a virtual interactive exhibition at the digital FOE Gallery, Munich | World Wide Web. Supported by the Akademie Verein, AdBK. 



INSTAGRAM: @zarahabraham





virtual exhibition | online project

Portfolio | artist Zarah Abraham studied painting and graphic at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich in the class of Gregor Hilebrandt, Peter Kogler, Res Ingold, Sandra Schäfer | zarahabraham art


2020 - ''

Group exhibition at AkademieGalerie + stream, project by the class of Prof. Peter Kogler + guests

Munich | GER

2020 - 'Ausstellung Klasse Hildebrandt'

Group exhibition by the class of Prof. Gregor Hildebrandt at MUCCA (Munich Center of Community Arts), part of the annual exhibition by the Academy of Fine Arts

Munich | GER

2020 - 'Drawing Restrict'

Group exhibition at rosastern space

Munich | GER

2020 - 'BoingBoingBoing'

Group exhibition at Club Rote Sonne by students from the projekt class of guest professor Jan St. Werner, Prof. Albert Oehlen and Prof. Gregor Hildebrandt, part of the annual exhibition by the Academy of Fine Arts

Munich | GER

2020 - 'forwearezero'

17.05.20 - 17.05.21 |

formation and 22 editions by the collective forwearezero | virtual interactive group exhibition at digital FOE gallery, supported by Akademieverein München

Munich | GER,


2019 - 'Mi|li|eu'

Group exhibition at rosastern space

Munich | GER

2019 - 'chacun à son goût'

Annual exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts, class of Prof. Gregor Hildebrandt

Munich | GER

2019 - 'Calendar - Class of Prof. Peter Kogler'

Hoffman Eitle calendar of the year 2019, Academy of Fine Arts
Munich | GER

2018 - 'Jahresausstellung'

Annual exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts

class of Prof. Peter Kogler

Munich | GER

2018 - 'Ausstellung 2018'

Group exhibition at 'Das Provisorium'

Munich | GER

2017 - 'Jahresausstellung'

Annual exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts, class of Prof. Peter Kogler

Munich | GER


2016 - 'Komplizen'

Group exhibition of the class of Prof. Peter Kogler in collaboration with the curatory class of Leonore Leonardy at HBK Saar Gallery

Saarbrücken | GER


2016 - ‘Jahresausstellung'

Annual exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts, class of Prof. Peter Kogler

Munich | GER


2015 - 'Fiesta Funk'

Live Painting in collaboration with Vujo at Colectivo Mou Jou

Quito | ECU

2015 - 'The Optimist'

Cover photo and postcard illustrations for the 1st issue of the magazine ‘The Optimist' by graphic designer Laura Ofenreiter

Munich | GER


2013 - 'Carishina'

Solo exhibition at the design fair at Casa Benalcázar

Quito | ECU

2013 - 'Sinestesia'

Live Painting and solo exhibition in collaboration with musicians FunkeeBomJunk, The Butcher and Dgroove at Casa Benalcázar

Quito | ECU

2013 - ‘Liberarte'

Group exhibition with Ecuadorian artists at Centro Cultural Villa Carmen

Sangolquí | ECU

© 2024 | zarahabraham - all rights reserved

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